Hi 2021

Illustration of a journal with the words, "100 Dreams" written on it, and a pencil writing on the page. Behind the journal is the sun.

Illustration: Maribel Sierra, MPH

Dear friends,

Here we are, at the beginning of 2021. I don’t endorse any “New Year, New You” type of sentiment, but I do think the new year is a time for self-reflection. Even if you don’t want to make resolutions, it’s hard not to think about time passing and your future hopes. Instead of advice, here are some self-reflection questions/exercises for you to ponder. Please consider writing down your answers instead of thinking them. You will be surprised what makes its way from your brain to the page!

When you look back on 2020, what are you most proud of? If you read this and think, “I didn’t do anything,” I beg to differ. Your victory might look different than what you expected, but I know you have something to celebrate. Think of it and write it down.

Is there anything you did- or didn’t do- in 2020 that you regret? If so, what would you do differently? You should not ruminate about your real or perceived mistakes, but if there’s a lesson to be learned, write it down and move on.

What were your most important losses in 2020? How will you honor them? We all had losses this year, and sometimes we discount our troubles because others had it worse. This is not useful! Grieve whatever you need to grieve, and don’t compare yourself to others.

What were your comforts in 2020? If chocolate is the first thing that comes to mind, that’s OK. Go deeper. Did you connect more often with your far-flung friends? Did you read more? Learn new recipes? Look to whatever comforted you, and commit to keeping it in your life.

Now write down your dreams for the future. Include 100 items on your list. No, that’s not a typo. Write down 100 dreams. You can think of that many, and your list will surprise you. I got this idea from Laura Vanderkam’s book 168 Hours, and it was transformative for me.

I hope answering these questions provided some fresh insights for you. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please email me or share in the comments section. As always, please forward this to anyone who might be interested, and let them know they can subscribe here at the bottom of the page. One of my 100 dreams is to reach as many people as possible with this blog, thank you for helping me get there!

This line from the poem “Sunlight on the Garden” by Louis Macneice perfectly captures my feelings about the turning of this year:

But glad to have sat under
Thunder and rain with you
And grateful too
For sunlight on the garden.

I hope all of you continue to give yourselves grace and support each other. We made it through 2020, and better days are ahead! Please keep in touch, and be well!

