Ocean Swimming

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Dear friends,

I am writing this message on January 29th, and it will post as my February blog. I am sure there will be more executive orders and directives in the next few days, and I expect our stress and uncertainty will continue to be in high gear. It’s hard to know what to say, so I will start simple: you are not alone. Seek out your people and be in community.

Remember, too, that this administration’s actions are intended to sow stress and confusion so that we will be distracted from our work. The wide range of existing programs, initiatives, and values that are under attack is meant to split our focus so that we cannot keep advancing our values. If you can keep moving your important work forward at this time, even a little bit, that is the resistance we need.

Helping someone else is also a comfort in times like this. Check on a friend and see if you can do something for them. And if someone wants to help you out, let them! Doing something for you might be the highlight of their day.

Because I don’t have answers or solutions, I offer you a metaphor. When you are swimming in turbulent waters, you make more forward progress when you duck beneath the waves and let them wash over you, rise and take a breath, and keep going.

Be well and know that I am holding all of you in my heart. You matter and your work matters. Don’t give up! If you have any strategies for resilience, feel free to share them with me.



PS- Please share widely, as usual, and let others know they can sign up here.