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Dear friends,
Today I got an email from a mentee titled “emotionally fatigued.” They shared that it was hard to engage in a Zoom meeting amidst the unspeakable deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd and the appalling video of Amy Cooper threatening Christian Cooper with police violence. It is so hard to know what to write in the face of this inhumanity. I know many of you felt, as I did, sick to your stomach, reading and hearing about these racist attacks. I also know many people reading this have this grief compounded and amplified by a daily fear about your family’s and your own safety, living your life in your own country. It is unbearable.
Sheltering in place makes this even harder. I wish you could be together with your loved ones. I wish I could look you in the eyes and cry with you and hug you. I wish we could gather in protest. I don’t have advice, only solidarity. Know that there is no wrong way to react, feel, or grieve. It’s OK to seek solitude or connection. If you can’t concentrate, your work will be there when you are ready to turn back to it. Most importantly, even though we are not physically together, there is a world of love and support for all of you.
I will post again soon. Until then, please stay in touch and be well.