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Dear friends,
Here we are, February 2023. I am sending solidarity to all of you as we contemplate mass shootings, anti-Asian hate, and the terrible police-perpetrated murder of Tyre Nichols, among other injustices and crises. There are no words- just remember that you are not alone. Reach out to me anytime, be kind to each other, and be patient with yourself. Everything going on in the world continues to make it hard to focus on work.
For the last couple of months, I have been encouraging you, and myself, to rest and to resist the impulse to over-commit. I promised to share how this shift away from a productivity mindset is going for me. The most optimistic take is that it’s a work in progress. Here’s what I have learned so far.
You can’t plan for everything. Like many other Californians, we had disruptions due to the winter storms. Also, COVID visited our household for the first time in January. I needed some subspecialty medical care for an orthopedic issue (I’m OK, don’t worry). On the work front, unexpected needs arose in my leadership role. Then a funder released an RFA that surprised me and my collaborators. My calendar filled up with unanticipated tasks and commitments.
Reacting instead of planning creates stress. Even though I was not working insane hours in January, I rarely felt rested. Life seemed like a whack-a-mole game in which something urgent that required me to drop everything else could pop up at any second. Sound familiar? I don’t have a solution, but I do have a new approach to try.
Let’s assume we are already fully committed. Late last year I agreed to review for an NIH study section, which now falls the week before a grant deadline (remember that surprise RFA?!). I had looked at my calendar then, and it seemed like I would have time now. I’ve decided that I will proceed as though as many unexpected things will happen this month as happened last month. At worst, I will miss out on some opportunities. At best, I may experience the rested sensation I dreamed of for this year.
How are you handling unexpected obligations and tasks this year? I’ll share your insights in my next newsletter. As always, please share widely and, if you are so inclined, sign up for the blog here. Keep in touch and do share good news so I can amplify your successes!