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Dear friends,
We are one month into the new year, how are you doing with those resolutions? In case your best intentions have fallen by the wayside, I would like to suggest some resolutions that I wish my mentees and colleagues would take on.
Wait for someone else to volunteer. Do you really need to be the one to do that extra thing? Doesn’t matter if it’s at work or at home or in the community- just sit back. Sometimes another person will step up, and sometimes no-one will. It is extremely useful to see what happens either way. (Example- I did not volunteer for the family affinity group at my kids’ school last year, and they did not plan a single event. So I learned that if I want our heritage to be celebrated, I have to pitch in. I have felt more justified in that volunteer role this year, because I know it is necessary.)
Prepare enough, but not too much. For example, if you are telling yourself things like, “I can’t meet with this senior person until I’ve more background research, written a project proposal, etc,” then consider whether you are over-preparing. Sometimes the preparation becomes an excuse to delay a high-stakes task or stressful interaction. Strive to match the time/ effort to the importance of the task.
Make 2024 the year of self-promotion. There is no room for modesty in academia. (You know who you are!) I’m not saying that you turn into a tedious braggart, just consider sharing factual information about your accomplishments. Send a recently published article to a senior colleague who may be interested in the results, and in the email, mention why you think it’s relevant to their work. Chiefs/ chairs love to hear about publications, grants, and other accomplishments big and small. Think about how you feel when good news makes its way into your inbox!
Rest. Every person on the planet, including you, has the right not to feel exhausted all the time. I keep banging the drum about rest, so I won’t belabor it now. Remember, you are not lazy and rest is not a reward!
Be kind to yourself. This is the hardest advice to take. We all fall short of our own goals and expectations at times. When you fail, what do you tell yourself? This year, try to encourage yourself the way you would encourage a friend.
Please share your 2024 hopes, plans, resolutions, or dreams. I’d love to hear what strategies or concepts are resonating with you. As always, please share widely and, if you are so inclined, sign up for the blog here. Keep in touch and do share good news so I can amplify your successes!