Winter (Vacation) Is Coming

I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving. Mine was filled with cooking, eating, and family time. I’m thankful for that time, and for all of you! December can feel like a sprint to reach your year-end goals, and in this post, I want to think beyond the frantic pace. Let’s take on that critical career development topic known as-- vacation! Our work fundamentally relies on our creativity, and we cannot maintain that without resting our brains. The problem is that everyone else seems to be answering email or writing grants while they are allegedly on vacation, and then they expect us to do the same. Many of you already know this, but I do take vacation, and I don’t work through it. Here are some of my tips:

Be an Email Ninja

Hope this message finds you all thriving! There is a particular irony about my sharing my advice this month about email. Many of you know that I struggle to keep up with my email. I recently read the book Unsubscribeby Jocelyn Glei, and I learned some new email management strategies. You will have to tell me if you think they are helping!

September is the Real January

The title of this email comes from an observation that September, not January, is the right time to initiate new habits or enact resolutions. (Of course, it is the new year for the Jewish side of our family. Early Shanah Tovah to all of you who are celebrating!) Perhaps it’s the start of the school year, or the end of summertime adventures that heralds a return to routine and, hopefully, productivity.


Happy almost August! This is the second installment of my monthly mentoring email- sharing an idea, usually from a book, that has helped me in this academic life. I’m leaving shortly on a two-week vacation, and it seems like an apt time to re-visit my most difficult career challenge- saying “no.” I think most people have an innate “yes” or “no” inclination, and the first step is to know yourself. I am most definitely a yes-woman by nature. The advice that follows is from the “do as I say, not as I do” school!